Low Inputs
High Yields
Forest Garden Design
Incorporating permaculture and traditional ecological knowledge concepts to create aesthetically pleasing and practically useful gardens.
The Journey through the Forest
Climate Change is something that I grew up, with faint memories of Al Gore presenting the concepts of global warming and the greenhouse gas effect. As a child, I’d overhear about certain species dying off or endangered, global temperatures rising, and severe weather events. Its a bit dark, but its been a constant theme that left me wondering, “How can humans and the natural world understand each other to create a symbiotic relationship? Is this possible, even?”
Growing up, I spent most of my time outside - creating forts in the bushes, climbing trees, diving into waves, and collecting rocks at the beach. Being with nature always gave me a unique sense of peace and happiness. Now I hike, camp, and feel the waves roll onto my feet, while also recognizing the natural systems of Earth that are essential for all life’s survival. Nutrient cycles, pollination, and terrestrial water sources are key systems that make Earth livable and enjoyable.
As an adult, I explored what it means for humans and nature to exist harmonically - with balance. Restoration, Conservation, Preservation are key concepts that led me to Permaculture, Texas Eco-Regions, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge where I learned the how humans and the natural world can live in balance and harmony. It isn’t challenging, but does require humans to shift their focus to working with nature and holding respect for the natural cycles. I want to ease this transition for my community by utilizing what I have learned and practiced, acting as a designer and guide, to expand beautiful and practical forest gardens for anyone ready to build that relationship.
Permaculture Events in Houston
Intro To Permaculture Earthworks
September 28
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Wildscapes Workshop and Native Plant Sale
October 05
8:00 am -3:00 pm
Urban Harvest Container Gardening Course
October 12
10:00-11:00 am